2020年7月28日 星期二


由我入去坐低, 直到食完走人, 大約食左30分鐘左右,
阿嫂不停重覆回答: A餐係乜乜 B餐係物物...
一收線, 電話又即刻响, 又講過, loop足幾十分鐘
間中仲有啲客記吾切, 叫佢重頭講過... 😑

我心諗, 哇屌而家咩世界呀?
一天都係飛機, 一街都係電腦, 

係一個好簡單嘅電子餐牌app, 只可以放到一張相, 可以用手機隨時更新
(剛剛加左QR code功能)

佢話用左之後, 好多客一打來就叫得, 慳到好多時間
紀錄顯示, 暫時每日大約幫到40-50個電話吾洗問直接叫😎
我覺得呢件小工具幫到間舖, 又幫到啲客,

有做外賣嘅朋友都歡迎使用, 完全免費

商戶登記步驟: 商戶登入->新增

2020年7月19日 星期日

Betting market in horse racing - Hong Kong

A study in how efficient that the public odds reflect the actual strike rate

(dataset is from year 2006-2020)
We will have a look at the correlation between public odds and strike rate first:
In [1]:
# Import library and data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

df_runs = pd.read_csv('results.csv')
race_num place horse_race_num horse_name horse_id jockey trainer weight_carried horse_weight draw lbw finish_time win_odds race_date
0 8 5 8 LUCKY LAD A148 M Rodd J Moore 121 1136 9 3-1/4 1.23.60 5.0 2005-09-04
1 4 1 6 MASTER MARAUDER A184 M Rodd J Moore 127 1098 7 - 1.36.70 8.5 2005-09-04
2 1 13 6 COSMO STAR A260 H K Yim K L Man 126 1051 4 9-1/4 1.25.50 35.0 2005-09-04
3 9 1 3 CHEEKY A266 C Brown C Fownes 129 1016 13 - 1.22.60 15.0 2005-09-04
4 7 5 1 GENERAL KINGY B039 O Doleuze K W Lui 129 1212 3 2-3/4 0.57.90 5.0 2005-09-04
In [2]:
# Check strike rate group by odds

df_runs['won'] = [1 if df_runs['place'].loc[ei] == "1" else 0 for ei in df_runs.index ]
df_runs['win_odds'] = [99 if df_runs['win_odds'].loc[ei] > 99 else df_runs['win_odds'].loc[ei] for ei in df_runs.index ]
df_runs['win_odds'] = df_runs['win_odds'].round()

# remove scratched horses
df_runs = df_runs.drop(df_runs[df_runs.win_odds <= 0].index)

odds_vs_wins = df_runs.groupby('win_odds')['won'].mean()
ax = odds_vs_wins.plot();
ax.set(xlabel='win odds', ylabel='strike rate')
In [3]:
# Check the correlation between odds and strike rate

odds_vs_wins_df = pd.DataFrame({'odds':odds_vs_wins.index, 'strike_rate':odds_vs_wins.values})
We get a -0.523 corr between public odds and strike_rate indicates that there seems to be a moderate linear relationship between them. If you are an experienced horse racing model builder, you will recognize that you can hardly create a factor to reach a corr close to -0.523.

Applying domain knowledge

To compare the public odds and strike rate in a percentage to percentage way, we convert the public odds to an estimated probability. To calculate such estimated probability, we also need to consider the HKJC 17.5% take.
In [4]:
# Check strike rate group by chance converted from odds.

df_runs['odds_prob'] = ((1-0.175)/df_runs['win_odds']).round(2)

odds_prob_vs_wins = df_runs.groupby('odds_prob')['won'].mean()
ax =odds_prob_vs_wins.plot();
ax.set(xlabel='odds prob', ylabel='strike rate')
In [5]:
# Check the correlation between odds_prob and strike rate

odds_prob_vs_wins_df = pd.DataFrame({'odds_prob':odds_prob_vs_wins.index, 'strike_rate':odds_prob_vs_wins.values})
We get a much higher 0.992 corr between odds_prob and strike_rate after considering the HKJC takes and convert it to be an estimated probability.
The betting market of horse racing in Hong Kong looks quite efficient, really?

Is there a trend that the betting market is getting more efficient over time?

Let's have a look at the correlation between odds and strike_rate by year.
In [6]:
# Group strike rate by year and odds_prob

df_runs['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df_runs['race_date']).year
df_runs['dummy'] = df_runs['year'];
odds_prob_vs_wins_in_year = df_runs.groupby(['year','odds_prob']).agg({'dummy':'size', 'won':'mean'}).rename(columns={'dummy':'count','won':'strike_rate'}).reset_index()
odds_prob_vs_wins_in_year = odds_prob_vs_wins_in_year.drop(odds_prob_vs_wins_in_year[odds_prob_vs_wins_in_year["count"] < 10].index)

yearly_corr_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['year','corr'])

for yr in range(2006, 2021):
    corr_by_year = odds_prob_vs_wins_in_year[odds_prob_vs_wins_in_year['year']==yr] 
    corr = corr_by_year['odds_prob'].corr(corr_by_year['strike_rate'])    
    yearly_corr_df = yearly_corr_df.append({"year":yr, "corr":corr}, ignore_index=True)
    print("Year {0}  {1}").format(yr, corr.round(3))
Year 2006  0.988
Year 2007  0.995
Year 2008  0.994
Year 2009  0.99
Year 2010  0.996
Year 2011  0.986
Year 2012  0.996
Year 2013  0.995
Year 2014  0.945
Year 2015  0.989
Year 2016  0.975
Year 2017  0.995
Year 2018  0.999
Year 2019  0.997
Year 2020  0.989
In [7]:
# plot the corr between odds_prob and strike rate by year

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0xb3acf70>
As we can see from the chart above, the correlation between odds and strike rate are very high most of the time.
There seems to be not much room for those value betting punters in Hong Kong horse racing from the WIN pool. Beating the public odds should be an extremely challenging task for them.
From this study, I would conclude that the betting market in horse racing in Hong Kong is not getting more and more efficient over time. It has always been quite efficient. (It was efficient at least for the last 15 years)
For further study: If the public odds in WIN pool are so predictive, can we take advantage of its accuracy to find value bets in varoius exotic pools?
In [ ]:


早排有晚去左個friend間茶記食, 由我入去坐低, 直到食完走人, 大約食左30分鐘左右, 佢個外賣電話係 全程冇停過的 , 阿嫂不停重覆回答: A餐係乜乜 B餐係物物... 每個電話都由A餐講到E餐 一收線, 電話又即刻响, 又講過, loop足幾十分鐘 間中仲有啲客記吾切,...